How do I clean my fake pussy?

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How do I clean my fake pussy?As the technology and materials used in the leading fake pussies have improved, so has the ease and simplicity of the cleaning process. For as easy as cleanings are, though, it’s important that they be performed both regularly and thoroughly - to maximize a fake pussy’s use duration, while assuring the quality and pleasure of this use.

First, as many suggest, your fake pussy should be cleaned with soap and warm (but not scolding) water directly after use. This is best performed in a bathtub or large sink area, where there is plenty of room to rinse, scrub, and dry the device. The unit should be thoroughly flushed and rinsed with water initially, for around thirty seconds or more. Next, one should use a clean towel, in coordination with some additional water and soap, to gently rub and clean the inside (and on occasion, the outside) of the device, where it is able to be reached (this step will differ based upon the device and model that you have, but is generally explainable).

The next part of the cleaning process is equally important - drying. After a fake pussy has been washed, it’s imperative that you wait until it’s entirely dry before storing it. After gently wiping it with a dry cloth, consider leaving it in an open area with plenty of airflow, to expedite and improve the drying experience (as allowing moisture to remain on fake pussies for longer than necessary, over a period of time, can damage its materials and overall feel.). When your fake pussy is nearly dry, spraying some (fake-pussy approved, as there are several types specifically designed for this purpose) antibacterial spray can help to eliminate bacteria - assuring the sanitation of the device, and helping to guarantee your safety and health in the process.

After your fake pussy is completely dry, it’s important to use a render power to allow for the elimination and cancelling-out of the oils emitted from your skin. Basically, even a thorough cleaning cannot counteract these naturally occurring oils, and if left untreated, they can lead to product damage, and more immediately, a sticky and unnatural feel - compromising the integrity of the fake pussy’s materials and usability. Render powders are both affordable and effective chemical-mixtures which will improve the quality of your device, and also work well to assure its long-term health.

By following the above tips, you’re essentially guaranteeing the maximum possible use of your fake pussy. As was said, it’s important to be thorough and consistent in these measures. Moreover, some additional steps can be taken to assure that a fake pussy remains clean and enjoyable for as long as possible, including:

Using a water-based lubrication. Many overly excited users will jump straight into their fake pussy while using a lube that’s not water-based. Other lubrications - while perhaps safe for fake-pussy use - can contain chemicals and substances which can negatively impact or wear down your fake pussy’s materials (similarly to the oils emitted from the skin, although these chemicals cannot be counteracted with render power). It’s best to protect your time and investment by using only water-based lube. Additionally, it’s been established that this type of lube provides the same level of comfort as others, for a similarly affordable price.

Assuring that your skin is clean before use. Although it’s not necessary to be incredibly clean and recently washed before using your fake pussy, assuring that its use is accompanied by a generally clean temperament will help to improve its long-term use quality and duration. Especially after exercising, working, or performing some activity that causes you to sweat, using your fake pussy directly isn’t recommended; even a quick rinse in the shower will greatly reduce the harmful byproducts that the device is exposed to.

Following these guidelines and steps will guarantee your fake pussy’s integrity for quite a while! In addition to following these steps, you should check and see if your device has any special cleaning or storage instructions, as some do.

After cleaning your device as is specified here, it’s important to store it in a relatively cool and dry place; moisture is a big issue for many users’ fake pussies.

Enjoy your fake pussy - and remember to review the rest of the FAQ guide, especially if you haven’t yet made the purchase!